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Class information

스크린샷 2020-04-27 오후 7.13.01.png


Monday theory class:Understanding Oriental Music: Genre/Rhythm Map

(May 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th)

May 4: Learn the instruments used in Middle Eastern Arabic music and understand their characteristics. Learning along with basic rhythms.

May 11: Arabic Classic * Listen to the music of Om Khalsum, Abdel Harim Hafez, Warda, and Mohammed Abdel Wahab and learn representative songs of each artist. 

May 18: Ballady * Learn the patterns of Egyptian ballady music and learn the rhythms and instruments that usually appear together.

May 25: Shabi/Maharganat *Understanding the exact difference between Old Shabi, Modern Shabi, Pop and Maharganat, and studying representative artists together.


* Each week, each of the three rhythms are learned together, and a test is taken according to the topic each week. 

Tuesday open class : Technique routine, combination by rhythm

(May 5, 12, 19, 26) *Members only


May 5th, 19th : Step, turn combination learning

May 12th, 26th: Combination learning by rhythm

Thursday choreography class : Om Calsum's Raylet El Hob choreography instruction

(May 7, 14, 21, 28

Over 4 weeks, learn choreography by covering not only the music used in the choreography, the rhythm in the music, and the lyrics, but also the techniques used in the choreography at an in-depth level. 


All classes 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM Korean time

*Available to request replay/ *Within 1 week after class ends


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